Guild Research

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28 May 2006

The Ten Commandments - Part 1


Many topics, viewpoints and interpretations



"Only 68 of 200 Anglican priests polled could name all Ten Commandments, but half said they believed in space aliens." 1

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About the Ten Commandments:

This section deals with the Ten Commandments (a.k.a. Decalogue) which appears in three places in the Hebrew Scriptures (Old Testament). These have historically been accepted by Judaism, Christianity and Islam as a summary of the most important rules of behavior that God expects of humanity.

There is considerable debate in the U.S. whether the Decalogue should be posted in public schools, public parks, government offices, etc, and under which circumstances posting is constitutional.

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Topics covered in this section:

bulletOverview of the Ten Commandments: What they are; Legal challenges concerning their display in public property
bulletText of the Ten Commandments: The text and groupings of the Ten Commandments.
bulletWho wrote the Ten Commandments?
bulletPossible origin of the Ten Commandments
bulletAnalysis of the individual commandments:
bulletCommandments 1 to 5
bulletDetailed analysis of the second commandment
bulletCommandments 6 to 10
bulletComparison of Qur'an verses with the Hebrew Scriptures' Ten Commandments
bulletCurrent status: Comparison with current moral codes; are they being followed? Do they need changing? Public knowledge. Opinion survey.
bulletModern versions of (& replacements for) the Ten Commandments
bulletLegal and constitutional aspects
bullet2005 cases (Kentucky & Texas) before the U.S. Supreme Court
bulletThe Ten Commandment monument project of the Fraternal Order of Eagles
bulletPosting the Decalogue in public schools: pros and cons
bulletA tongue-in-cheek discussion of their posting
bulletThe "Chief Justice Moore case" in Alabama
bulletExactly what is involved in this case?
bulletHow the conflict can be resolved legally?
bulletPart 1: events from 2001 to 2003-JUL-31
bulletPart 2: 2003-AUG-1 to AUG-22
bulletPart 3: 2003-AUG-23 to DEC-31
bulletPart 4: 2004-JAN-01 to present time
bulletMore legal and other developments concerning posting the Decalogue:

Related essays on this website:

bulletRecent U.S. court rulings on separation of church and state
bulletThe Istook Constitutional Amendment
bulletPrayer in the public schools

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Internet sites featuring images of the Ten Commandments:

bulletA 8" x 12" (about 20 x 30 cm) tile containing the Ten Commandments in Hebrew and English is available in Blue and Cream at:
bulletThe Ten Commandments in a number of world languages (Arabic. Cebuano. Chinese Simplified. Chinese Traditional. Croatian. Czech. English. Danish. Dutch. Finnish...) were available at Unfortunately, this is at least temporarily unavailable.
bulletA simplified version of the Ten Commandments, in the form of a bumper sticker, is available at: It paraphrases a saying by Jesus:

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Useful References:

bullet Books:
bulletP.N. Benware, "Survey of the Old Testament", Moody Press, Chicago IL, (1993) Read reviews or order this book safely from online book store
bulletC.M. Laymon, Editor, The Interpreter's One-Volume Commentary on the Bible, Abingdon Press, Nashville TN (1971), Pages 53 to 55 & 122.
bulletJohn Shelby Spong, "Beyond Moralism: A Contemporary view of the Ten Commandments," Saint Johann Press, (2000). Read reviews or order this book safely from online book store
bulletInternet sites:
bulletAlan M. Dershowitz, "Ten Commandments Aren't Gun Control Politics: Religion isn't a constitutionally acceptable alternative," Los Angeles Times, 1999-JUN-20. See:
bulletJ.S. Spong, "Why Christianity must change or die," Harper Collins (1998), Page 154. Read over 70 reviews or order this book
bullet"Misreading Moses: Why the Ten Commandments are out of Style," Christian Week, editorial, 1997-MAR-4.
bulletYahoo has hyperlinks to over 10 essays on the Decalog at:
bulletRonald Youngblood, "Counting the Ten Commandments," Biblical Review, 1994-DEC. See:
bullet"Promote the Ten Commandments," is a pro-life web site that supplies many essays about the Decalogue from a conservative Christian viewpoint: why they should be displayed, latest news, what does the Bible say, etc. The website advertizes many products for sale: T-shirts, bumper stickers, car magnets, decals, etc. See:

Reference used:

  1. Randy Cassingham, "This is True" web site, at:



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